Friday, December 31, 2004

The Tsunami

The tsunami that hit the coast of India, Pakistan, and numerous small islands is a devastating natural disaster. As are, I suppose, all natural disasters. But so many, many lives have been lost in this one, and the number is growing.

Reading about a mother choosing which son to let go of is almost too unbearable. Although he was found later alive and unharmed is secondary. For a parent to be put in that kind of position is frightening, reminding me that all of us who are parents and, therefore, protectors of innocence, are really no less vulnerable than the rest of the people on the planet.

I feel helpless. Prayer and donations to relief organizations, while the best choice, don't seem to be enough. A failure of my faith? Perhaps. I don't doubt that, given enough resources, people can be helped. But it doesn't not return the feeling of security that had been ripped away with 9/11 and has just tentatively started to rebuild.

I expect that the apocolyptic Christians will point to this as a sign of the end times. Maybe so. But one can argue that we have been in the "end times" since the ressurection and ascension of Jesus. Certainly the writers of the New Testament epistles felt that we shouldn't try to figure out when the end would be here, but instead be prepared daily. In the meantime, we cannot waste our time thinking about when the final battle might be fought, but instead look to take care of humanity now.

Which brings me back to what we can or cannot do for the survivors of the tsunami. I am too chicken to volunteer my time to go help, so the best I can do is pray for support for the brave souls who do go take care of anyone suffering.

If you're reading this, pray. Donate to whichever relief organization you feel comfortable with. I suggest starting with the Salvation Army, the Red Cross, or Lutheran World Relief. But there are so many giving relief, and none of them can do it alone.

And maybe some day I will get over my lazy protectiveness and go do something about it myself.

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