Tuesday, September 04, 2007

School Days, School Days...Dear Old Golden Rule Days...

Tomorrow is the first day of school. The supplies are all in desks and lockers, the first day of school outfits have been chosen, and the myriad of forms completed.

And significantly, tomorrow is the first day of middle school for my older child.

New bus time, too -- 6:57a.m. which will be a real b__ch when it's winter and dark outside. I am not sure I'm ready for my child to go to middle school. I often think that school systems should have a separate 6th grade campus to get them out of elementary school, but protect them from the harshness of middle school. Kids change so much between 6th and 8th grades, that is seems unfair to lump them in with kids who are years older than they are. Well, at least it seems that way.

We are relieved and proud that our child has been placed in advanced reading and mathematics. Boredom would come all too quickly otherwise. The math teacher was going on about what a challenge it is...until we mentioned the 99th percentile on the state standardized test. Then he started talking about the math club.

On the eve of middle school, I decided I had better break it to my older child that I am the Tooth Fairy. The news was taken with that accepting astonishment we have when we are finally told for sure that our parents are the ones who do those things. The younger one lost a tooth today, so the timing was good. I think the new knowledge, the being "in on it" has provided an exciting diversion from first day anxieties.

So, tomorrow the Tooth Fairy will come, the new bus routes will be tried out, and the new year in school begins.

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