Friday, February 17, 2012

Assault on Women

Really, just about every woman will probably put her two cents in on this. And I hardly know where to start. But we all have to ask the question: Why are we allowing a fringe minority of mysoginists to dominate the dialogue and policy of our country? Since when do we allow one religious group's point of view to dictate to all?

I am sick and tired of people being more concerned with unborn fetuses than the people around them. I am sick and tired of men thinking they know better than women about what is good for their bodies. I am sick and tired of seeing men get free erection medicine and being told that women must pay for their medications and care because it's too expensive. I am sick of women earning less than men in the same job. I am sick of men being praised for being assertive, while women are criticized for being 'too' aggressive. I am sick and tired of women being expected to be housekeepers, breadwinners, childcare experts, and conform to the current standard of beauty, while men are held only to the expectation of holding down a job. I am sick of hearing girls talk about how they don't want to seem to smart because they won't get a boyfriend. I am sick of men feeling threatened by a woman making more money than him.

I am sick of women who expect men to take care of them. I am especially sick of women who spout all the above while collecting hefty paychecks for being in jobs that, if it were not for the women who came before them, would not be available.

It is just time. Time for women to stand up and say, enough. To look at their women friends who claim that birth control shouldn't be covered, that abortions shouldn't be allowed, that a woman needs a spouse/boyfriend/partner to be valid, and tell them to grow up and join the 21st century. To tell the men who want to control their reproductive systems and their access to affordable health care that we will not accept that.

It is time to stage our own Million Mom March.

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