Thursday, August 28, 2008

Obama for President

I just finished watching Barack Obama deliver his stirring acceptance speech for the nomination as the Democrats' candidate for president in the fall election.

I am a firm and steadfast Hillary Clinton supporter. I think she would be beyond outstanding as president. But there is no doubt in my mind that Barack Obama is just as outstanding.

Not only is he smart, well-grounded, and confident, he has the ability to renew the hope in people, and inspire them to go out and work to make this country fulfill its potential. In 1992 Bill Clinton had that vision, and he almost succeeded, in spite of the constant barrage of attacks from a divisive Republican Congress.

Perhaps after generations of career politicians as president, it is time to have someone fresh, less steeped in the political game, to be president. Someone who is more like the "career politicians" were when they started out and were more idealistic and dedicated to public service, before the game wore them down and became the center instead of the country.

It is a shame that George Bush undid what was accomplished in the '90s under Bill Clinton. But if there was any lingering nostalgia for the '80s and the Reagan policies, the Bush Administration with a Republican majority in Congress proved that those policies are not good for the country, but just for certain people.

That is not the promise of America.

Barack Obama said tonight that this campaign has never been about him, but about the people and the desire for change for the better. His vision is big, ambitious, and far-reaching. But why not? Our Founding Fathers envisioned a radical new nation, and didn't even know if it would succeed when they started. But they didn't let doubt stop them, and we are still here, 232 years later.

I cannot be prouder tonight to be a Democrat.

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