Wednesday, November 17, 2010


It's snowing in the pass. I know, because the smell of snow is in the air.

This statement often conjurs up the scene from "Seven Brides For Seven Brothers" when the kidnapped girls scream and start an avalanche.

But tonight, La Nina has moved in, and it is snowing in Snoqualmie Pass, causing periodic road closures. This is news, because through the pass is how people get from Seattle to Spokane.

But more importantly, snow is in the forecast for us here in the lowlands for the weekend. Last winter snow was almost non-existent. But this year, since September, dire forecasts have come our way: "Harsh winter! La Nina! Batten down the hatches!" However, things have been quieter than normal. Average rainfall, a nice stretch of 60s in mid-October, and no flooding (yet).

So not only is there the usual excitement and anticipation for snow (boots & snow clothes are selling like hotcakes!), but a little tinge of dread is behind it all: Will we get piles of snow? Will Seattle shut down for the two weeks surround Christmas like it did two years ago? Where did I put my warm gloves?

Only time will tell. But for now, my 11-year-old is excited at the prospect that it will snow on her birthday.

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