Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Snowpocalypse or Merely a Winter Storm?

It's being called a "Snowpocalypse" in Washington state. The snow and cold temperatures that moved in Monday brought 3-12 inches of snow and sub-freezing temperatures that Tuesday night plunged into the low teens, very cold for Washington at any time of the year.

But really, we've seen this before, even if drivers and city & county snow removal people are shocked and unable to deal with it. It was one 20-hr period of snow that produced about half a foot of snow or less in most parts of the county. We had that two years ago, but instead of once, it seemed to happen daily for a couple of weeks. Temperatures have stayed below freezing, and gotten very cold. We had that last year, for a week.

As of Tuesday night, the highways are in pretty good shape, and the secondary roads are starting to get cleared. But even where they haven't been, people in snow tires seem to get along pretty well. Obvously it helped that people pretty much stayed off the roads today unless they had to get out. Wednesday it will start to warm up and by the end of the week temperatures even overnight will be above freezing. And rain will be back.

Eventually, folks around here will stop claiming that "it never gets cold" and "when it snows it's just a couple of inches and it melts right away."

Sure it was a significant storm for us. But a Snowpocoalypse? Hardly. Just a friendly welcome to a La Nina winter.

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