Sunday, December 13, 2009

The First Snow

It's Sunday evening.

The children are in their rooms creating, dreaming, and anticipating. My other half is playing an online interactive computer game, which for some reason doesn't turn him into a total geek. He and #1 got back a while ago with our Christmas tree, which is now in its stand in the living room "falling" before the lights are added. He did plug in the

I just let the dog in from outside, his fur wet from falling snow.

It's finally snowing.

After a week of sub-freezing and at times frigid temperatures and clear skies, we are getting snow. It's fine, wet, barely sticking, but it's snow.

It's the first snowfall of the season. Last year at this time the kids had already missed five days of school for flooding, vandalism and snow. For the first time in three years, there have been no school closings. While November and December snows are typically rare, the past couple of years have raised expectations.
This snow won't last long. It's going to start raining tomorrow.
But, for now, it's snowing.

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