Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy 2010

There's a little less than an hour left of 2009 on the west coast. Friends and family have already rung in the new year on the east coast and in the Midwest, and some of them are most likely already in bed asleep. The aughts are almost over. (as in '09)

Ten years ago tonight, my daughters were 3 1/2 yrs. and 1 1/2 months old. We celebrated by watching the ball drop in Times Square on the New York ABC channel, 9:00pm our time, then put them to bed and had a quiet evening. In those days I was getting sleep where I can get it.

Tonight there was Beatles Rock Band, Facebook conversations, instant messaging, and a Doctor Who marathon that became a "The Nanny" marathon.

There is no question that, while not as euphoric as last year's New Year's Eve celebration was, with the lingering euphoria of Barack Obama's victory and anticipation of his inauguration, tonight's celebration is hopeful and joyful.

The past year under President Obama's leadership we have been able to relax a bit, to feel a little more secure in the state of the country and the world. In spite of multiple crises, we have been led by a man who deeply cares about the welfare and future of the country and its citizens, and has the intellect to deal with the stumbling blocks, with an optimistic eye.

President Obama reflects that American optimism in his New Year's address. (see it here)

I am looking forward to the next decade, with the same optimism for the future that my grandfather looked at the approach of 1910, and the same optimism with which I greeted 2000, for a bright future for my children.

Happy New Year.

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