Thursday, November 13, 2008

Hillary for SecState

It is no secret that I have been a big Hillary Clinton fan since she ran for First Lady. When she ran for president, I gave more to her campaign than I have ever given to a presidential candidate.

I wept when she lost the nomination. I thought she would be an outstanding president, and I still do.

One of the reasons it made so much sense to me that Hillary Clinton be president at this particular point in time is that the U.S. has been in such desperate need of re-establishing its standing in the world. And that Hillary Clinton, already well-connected and well-respected from her years as First Lady, had the street cred to almost instantly restore our standing as Leader of the Free World.

Now there are rumors that Hillary Clinton, who flew to her hometown of Chicago today, is being considered for Secretary of State. She would be an excellent choice, for that very reason.

Whether or not she will take it is another question. Universal health care, a career-long goal of hers that was shot down so painfully by the Newt Republicans bent on destroying Bill Clinton and his administration. Already commentary has been floating around the Internets pointing out that Hillary would be ideal for spearheading the health care reforms Obama has pledged to put in place.

Obviously, wherever she serves, Hillary will excel. But there is no doubt that she would hit the ground running and do us proud as Secretary of State.

1 comment:

Commuter's Journal said...

Oh, the superstars Barack is drafting for his administration's dream team! They are giddy with excitement in New York, I'm told by my inside source (aka Dad). Hillary as Secretary of State would be awesome. And it would, by the way, make her the third most powerful member of the Cabinet. I wonder if he's considering McCain as Secretary of Defense?

I am following these appointments with the same excitement as the casting of my favorite musicals and movies. Thanks to our new president-elect, it's possible to enjoy politics again!