Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Sotomayor: Day 2

Day 1 of Judge Sonia Sotomayor's hearing before the Senate Judiciary Hearing was all opening statements, most notable for Al Franken's first committee appearance as a senator.

Today, Day 2, started the first round of questioning. (Round 1 finishes tomorrow.)

If there is any question that Judge Sotomayor is well-suited to the Supreme Court, one only need watch her first day answering questions from the committee. Whether a "friendly" or a "hostile" question, she answered all with gravity, care, and respect. I was especially struck by how respectful she was throughout Sen. Lindsey Graham's frustrated questioning, often interrupting her before she barely began answering as he tried to corner her into saying something imprudent, or to prod her into showing the temper he insisted was pointed out by so many who had been in her courtroom. At one point, she even inadvertently paraphrased Sarah Palin when she explained that she didn't bother to use labels in reference to her judicial philosophy. (Not that I'm comparing her to Sarah Palin! She would leave the almost former governor a babbling mess if they were to ever debate.)

What she displayed was a thorough understanding of how the law functions, and repeatedly demonstrated why she was such an outstanding choice for the Supreme Court. She definately proved that she is smarter than anyone on that committee.

As she patiently and kindly corrected senator after senator about the particulars of cases she has heard, and displayed a thorough understanding of the rulings by the Court, I could imagine her easily holding her own with the other justices, kindly correcting them as to the decisions they referenced if they recalled them incorrectly. She certainly seems like someone who will make sure that the courts under her supervision will be well managed, the unglamorous part of being a Supreme Court justice.

I say hurrah for Sonia Sotomayor! While it is outstanding that she is a woman, and great that she is latina, if she were an old, crusty white guy, she would be the perfect pick. I can't wait to read her opinions when the Court reconvenes in the fall!

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