Wednesday, July 01, 2009


So Mark Sanford has been going on and on about his relationship with his South American mistress.

It was bad enough that he decided he had to say that it was not just sex, but love, as if that's going to justify it. ("Oh, well, if he loves her, then heck. What does his wife have to be upset about?" Oh, wait. What were those marriage vows again?)

But then he has to go on and on and on and on about it. It's as if once the bottle was uncorked the flow just won't stop.

Does he really think we want to know about it? He can talk all he wants, but the fact remains that he broke one of the Ten Commandments, plus did something that pretty much everyone outside of the Playboy Mansion (and maybe inside) thinks is morally wrong.

And now he won't shut up about it! Won't someone please put a cork in him?

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