Tuesday, July 28, 2009

We're Having a Heat Wave

We're having a heat wave...a tropical heat wave...the temperature's rising....

Western Washington is in the middle of a heat wave with atypical tropic-like humidity. Temperatures today were in the 90s, and tomorrow it is expected to be 101 in the city. So hot, in fact, that the think it will even be over 100 at SeaTac Airport, home of the official temperature, where there's always a prevailing cooling breeze.

This is a first for Seattle, topping 100 degrees. Ever. Never before, at least not in the official records. It will also be the hottest heat wave. The last one, lasting 18 days, had high temperatures ranging between 78 - 85. Tomorrow is going to beat that.

We have air conditioning. When we moved here, "everybody" said, "Oh, we don't need air conditioning, it is never hot long enough." We put it in anyway. And now, it is so hot it can't keep up.

But even though it's struggling, we are still cooler inside than outside...

Soon enough will come another strong marine push, and things will cool off enough to make it comfortable again.

But for now, we are happy we had it installed.

It's too darned hot..it's too darned hot...

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