Monday, September 15, 2008

Why We Need Affordable Health Care for Everyone

Affordable health care for all Americans is the cornerstone to making America great.

Affordable health care for pregnant women means they will get proper prenatal care, which leads to more healthy babies and less infant and mother mortality.

Health care for babies mean properly immunized children who remain healthier, keeping working parents on the job and more productive.

Wellness care means healthier workers who are on the job more and more productive.

Healthier children learn more, being present for more classes, and able to concentrate on their work to allow them to succeed in the classroom. Better students leads to a more educated, productive work force.

Healthier people means less health care costs, which in turns drives down the price of health care overall. Less health care cost makes care for those individuals who do need extra care more affordable. Less health care costs are good for companies who provide health care benefits by making them more affordable for the company, thereby strengthening the economy as companies more effectively use their income.

Besides all that, it is a moral issue: Doesn't every American deserve the right to be healthy?

Affordable health care should be the major domestic priority for the next president and Congress. We should demand that our representatives and senators create and pass legislation providing it, and that the next president should sign it. This should not be a political issue: It is a human rights issue.

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