Sunday, September 28, 2008

It's the Little Things

It's really the little things that give us great satisfaction.

Like today, for instance.

My younger daughter still likes to sleep with a nightlight. My big problem with nightlights is that they are almost always too bright. Most of them use a light like the big, old-fashioned Christmas tree lights, and in white, that's a lot of light in the room.
For the past months she has been using a Christmas nightlight, a bubble light with an angel attached to the side. At least, until that one burned out, and then she started using the one with Santa in a sleigh flying across the front. The light itself has glitter in it that "bubbles." I picked them up at the grocery store, of all places, and doubt I can find a replacement for either when the second one burns out. I like them because they are not nearly as bright as standard nightlights.
Today I ran across a glitter lava lamp nightlight in pink. (I also bought a blue one for my older daughter.) She liked it immediately, especially since the glitter's movement makes a kind of under-the-sea pattern on the wall behind it. I like it because it's even dimmer than the cheap Christmas nightlights.
She's happy. I'm happy. It really is the little things, isn't it?

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