Monday, September 01, 2008

Who's In Charge?

A lot of rumors have been swirling around John McCain's presumptive veep nominee as the press, and the blogosphere, try to figure out just who is Sarah Palin.

What surprises me, though, is that the GOP and McCain's campaign, and this comes from Republicans, were unprepared for all the chatter, and have been in chaos figuring out how to deal with it. Word is that the scuttlebutt says that the scaling back of the convention has more to do with it than with the hurricane. (Although scaling back the convention in light of a hurricane is a sensible, applaudable thing to do.)

Given that the Democrats thoroughly prepare for any kind of attack from the Republicans, and the Republicans are masters at it, I am surprised.

There is even talk, although I assume it's mostly speculation, that a change in VP candidate will take place before the nomination.

What it makes me wonder is this: If McCain and his campaign couldn't properly vet their own candidate, and the GOP is unprepared for reaction, do we really want this party in power?

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